Volume-10 / Nov 2020 Special Issue

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Volume-10 / Nov 2020 Special Issue / ISSN 2249-9598

Total Research Papers: 05

                                                             Table of contents


Name of The Research Paper

Table of contents [Full Text PDF]

Basic summary of Plant Defenses: methods used by plant against Pathogens and Herbivores….Page.No- 01-13

Jayesh Kumar, Ajay Kr Srivastava, Shila Kumari[Full Text PDF]


Chemical Analysis of Plant Nutrients in Macrophytes of Surhatal Lake at Ballia….Page.No- 14-19

R.K.Srivastava, Shardendu, A.K.Srivastava[Full Text PDF]


An Assessment water circulation system in Nashik city, Maharashtra….Page.No- 20-31

Bharat L.Gadakh[Full Text PDF]

4 Challenges and Opportunities for Women through Higher Education….Page.No-32-37

Monika Sharma, Disha Khullar[Full Text PDF]

5 Indian MF- present trend and plausible future prospects….Page.No- 38-41

Samerjeet Singh Chauhan[Full Text PDF]