Volume-11 / Sept 2021 Special Issue

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Volume-11 / Sept 2021 Special Issue / ISSN 2249-9598

Total Research Papers: 05                              

                                                                     Table of contents


Name of The Research Paper

  Table of contents [Full Text PDF]

Ecological Concerns and Ecophilia in Kamala Markandaya’s The Coffer Dams….Page.No- 01-10

Shashikant R. Mhalunkar, Hemangi Nana Saindane[Full Text PDF]


Changing with Time: A Study of female characters in Shashi Deshpande’s novel, ‘In the Country of Deceit’….Page.No- 11-15

Parag Prakash Chaudhari[Full Text PDF]


A study of ‘Time’, ‘Space’ and ‘transculturation’ in Amitav Ghosh’s ‘The Hungry Tide’….Page.No- 16-21

Parag Prakash Chaudhari[Full Text PDF]


Analysis of Magical Realism in Tim Burton’s “Charlie and The Chocolate Factory”….Page.No-22-27

Ann Sharon J[Full Text PDF]


Layman’s Attitude towards Mutual Fund Investments, A Study with Special Reference to Kerala….Page.No- 28-31

Shaju M J[Full Text PDF]