Volume-11 / Dec 2021 Special Issue / ISSN 2249-9598
Total Research Papers: 12
Table of contents
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Name of The Research Paper |
Table of contents [Full Text PDF] | |
1 | Gingival Recession in Severe Burns and Its Management….Page.No- 01-23
Wesam Homouda , Mohammed Amr Hamdy Salem[Full Text PDF] |
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“The study of sub-lethal toxicity effect of heavy metal cadmium on serum minerals profile of fishes mystus gulio”….Page.No- 24-29 Suvarna T. Rawal, Suryakant Umrajkar[Full Text PDF] |
3 | “The Sublethal Toxicity of Cadmium on Glycogen Levels in the liver (Hepatopancreas) and Muscle Tissues of Mystus gulio” ….Page.No- 30-37
Suvarna T. Rawal, Suryakant Umrajkar[Full Text PDF] |
4 | “The Sublethal Toxicity of Cadmium on Glycogen Levels in the liver and Muscle Tissues of fish Oreochromis mossambicus”….Page.No-38-46
Suvarna T. Rawal, Suryakant Umrajkar[Full Text PDF] |
5 | Opportunities and challenges of work from home during covid-19….Page.No- 47-52
Ram Niwas Sangwan, Dayawati[Full Text PDF] |
6 | IT and ITeS Industry Growth in India : An Overview….Page.No-53-56
Anoop Kumar[Full Text PDF] |
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Stress of Senior Secondary Students in Relation to Their Gender, Locality and Type of School….Page.No- 57-62 Dinesh Pratap Tomar[Full Text PDF] |
8 | “Is the Prostitution Legalized in India? – View on Feminist Perspective”….Page.No-63-68
Shelar Shivani S [Full Text PDF] |
9 | Electoral Reforms in India….Page.No- 69-82
Ram Babu, A N Panda[Full Text PDF] |
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Analytical study of positive and negative leadership and its role on organizational growth….Page.No-83-91 Priyanka Singh, Sunita B. John[Full Text PDF] |
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Combined Effect of Plyometric and Mobility Training On Selected Physical Variables among College Women Players….Page.No-92-96 Keshabiona PadmaSree, Nagarjunasangem[Full Text PDF] |
12 | Covid, A Great Teacher: New Challenges For Teachers….Page.No-97-102
Dhareppa Konnur[Full Text PDF] |