Volume-13 / Issue- 01 / Jan-Feb 2023 / ISSN 2249-9598
Total Research Papers: 18
Table of contents
Sr.No | Name of The Research Paper |
Table of contents [Full Text PDF] | |
1 | Effect of mutagenesis on emergenceand plant survival percentage in some varieties of Carthamus tinctorius L. (safflower)….Page.No- 01-04 Kale Kishorand, N.G. Kashid[Full Text PDF] |
2 | Macrophytes Diversity of Chora Lake of Bhadrawati Tehsil, District- Chandrapur (M.S.), India….Page.No- 05-08 Harney, N.V[Full Text PDF] |
3 | Subharti SLARC Longevity Code….Page.No- 09-21 Anand Shukla, Surabhi Gupta, Rajeev Ranjan Sharma[Full Text PDF] |
4 | Corona like Other Biological Infection….Page.No-22-36 Anand Shukla, Surabhi Gupta, Rajeev Ranjan Sharma[Full Text PDF] |
5 | ZigBee Technology and its Standards….Page.No- 37-42 Asmita Sharmaand Bharat Pal Singh[Full Text PDF] |
6 | Mortality assessment caused by the Tropical Cyclones over the India during the year 2011-2021….Page.No-43-51 Anis Aayub Bagwan, Santosh Sadashiv Kamble[Full Text PDF] |
7 | Reaching out the Dyslexic to offer support for building resilience and the Student teachers….Page.No- 52-61 Tanushree Mohanty[Full Text PDF] |
8 | Multicultural Teacher Education for the 21st Century….Page.No-62-66 Swati Vasantrao Chavan[Full Text PDF] |
9 | Slow Learner: A Meta Analysis of Researches in India….Page.No- 67-73 Narasingappa.H.N[Full Text PDF] |
10 | English Language Proficiency among Secondary School Students in Relation to their Gender and Locality….Page.No-74-79 Shail Dhaka[Full Text PDF] |
11 | Role of Wrestling Nurseries for the Promotion of Wrestling in Haryana….Page.No-80-82 Jatinder Kumar[Full Text PDF] |
12 | Seven Weeks Training Effects on Selected Physical Fitness Variables of College Level Athletes….Page.No-83-85 Raj Kumar[Full Text PDF] |
13 | Flexibility of North Eastern and Southern Senior Women National Level Soccer Players.….Page.No-86-92 Tashi Ongmu Bhutia, Tarak Nath Pramanik[Full Text PDF] |
14 | An insight into the agenda of Gandhi’s Constructive Programme….Page.No-93-98 Amrit Kaur[Full Text PDF] |
15 | Liberation or Confinement? A Study on Menopause in Women’s Existence….Page.No-99-115 Thasniya K T, Vahiba Nargese P S[Full Text PDF] |
16 | Anita Desai: A Novelist of Social Concerns.….Page.No-116-120 D. B. Wankhade[Full Text PDF] |
17 | Multiculturalism in the Novels of Jhumpa Lahiri.….Page.No-121-131 Wahajuddin Ahmad, Anupama D. Deshraj[Full Text PDF] |
18 | Social Development and Public Utility Services : A Study of Hamirpur District of Himachal Pradesh.….Page.No-132-152 Anjori Sharma[Full Text PDF] |